Views, Sort and Filter

Filtering a View

About Views

You can see your records in different ways by creating views. In a view, you can apply filters and sorts to organize your content efficiently. For instance, on the People object, you can create a view to isolate US contacts by filtering those with a US phone number.

Default View

Each object comes with an unfiltered, unsorted, and undeletable view known as the Default view. It’s named after the object’s plural name, such as “All Companies,” “All People,” “All Opportunities”.

Filtering a View

Creating, Editing and Deleting Views

You can create several custom views and share them with your team.

Creating a View

There are two ways to create a new view. Either directly from the View Switcher, or modifying an existing view.

From View Switcher

  1. Open the View Switcher
  2. Click the Add view button at the bottom of the view switcher menu.
  3. Choose an Icon and name for your View.
  4. Choose a “View type” between Table and Kanban.
  5. (Kanban Views only) For your Kanban view, select the Select field you wish to use as the column header. The system prompts you to create one from the Settings before enabling Kanban view creation, if your object lacks a Select field.
  6. Click “Create” to generate your new view.

The newly created view opens automatically.

Filtering a View

From Sorting and Filtering

When you change the Sorting and Filtering of an existing view, a Save as new view button will appear at the right edge of the View Bar. This will opens the New View menu mentioned above, allowing you to create a new view out of an existing one.

Editing and Deleting a View

To Edit or Delete a view:

  1. Open the View Switcher
  2. Hover the View you wish to edit
  3. Click the Pen Icon Button that appears on the right

You will then be able to modify the view. To delete it, press the Delete button that just appeard.

To switch between views, simply open the view switcher and click the view you wish to open.

Customizing Views

Each view can be customized to streamline your business processes. Views help segment your data. You can customize views using filters, sorts, and field display.

Filtering a View

To filter a view:

Sorting a View

Order your fields data in ascending or descending order:

Field display

You can customize which fields to display within a view. To hide a field, click Options > Fields and select the - button next to the field or click on the field column header and select hide.

You can rearrange fields by clicking their field column header and then press Move Right or Move Left.

Opening Record

To open a record, click on the name in the first column. This action will open the corresponding Record page.